Glorious Reporter

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

God Sees You!

Glowing word God on black background. Beginning of the World concept.

I celebrate all of you precious people out there who are kind, loving, and endeavoring to live a life that is pleasing to God, a life that exemplifies our living, risen, and eternal King, Y’shua Hamashiach!  Whether you have smiled at someone, hugged someone, given a monetary gift, a tip or donation, a book, a… Continue reading God Sees You!

God Waits!

God doesn’t necessarily reward good or wicked deeds immediately. He waits. There has to be a waiting period. Evil hearts could be concealed under good deeds. If God rewarded right choices immediately, everyone would be rushing to do it for rewards and not because they want to please Him. He allows mistakes to be made… Continue reading God Waits!

Delight in the Lord Dream

The other day I had a dream, and it was simple and to the point. In the dream, I was telling someone that if you delight yourself in the Lord, He will bless you with your heart’s desire. We find this scripture in Psalm 37:3–4, which says, Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in… Continue reading Delight in the Lord Dream

On Christ, The Solid Rock I Stand

I was in a season where I felt overwhelmed, drained, and tired. Then the Spirit of the Lord brought this Scripture to mind: “When I am overwhelmed, lead me to that rock that is higher than I.” You can find this Scripture in Psalm 61:2, which says, “From the end of the earth I call… Continue reading On Christ, The Solid Rock I Stand

Taste of His Glory

So, we traveled to Tennessee to see a Gospel stageplay production out of town a few days ago, and it was awesome. We are still wrecked as a result of our experience from the stageplay, but in a good way, still feasting and overwhelmed. We are still basking and spiritually full about all that our… Continue reading Taste of His Glory

Angel Sighting

A few years ago, I was flying home to Detroit from Atlanta. Just before takeoff, I said a silent prayer, asking God to surround the plane with His angels.

A Divine Encounter

You know how sometimes you can get so caught up in your cares, concerns, negative people, and the minutia of the day’s events that the enemy tries to make you forget about the things that really matter?

Which Leper Are You?

As I pondered and watched a beautiful and heartfelt interaction between my father and my auntie, let me tell you, it warmed and touched my heart. I tell you the honest to God truth!

In the Shadow of Death | The Testimony of the Marsteller Family | Jacob’s Tent | Heaven’s Court Room

Over the last couple of years, I’ve heard various teachings about visiting the Righteous Judge in His chambers. However, if I can be honest with you, I was a little skeptical, yet, open to learning more but cautious about this. Could this be another doctrine of demons?

A Separation Is Taking Place

A separation is taking place in the body of Christ. So, please don’t be alarmed. I find myself getting disgusted and having righteous indignation (rightfully so) with some of the things that are