Glorious Reporter

Glorious Utterances

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

Taste of His Glory

So, we traveled to Tennessee to see a Gospel stageplay production out of town a few days ago, and it was awesome. We are still wrecked as a result of our experience from the stageplay, but in a good way, still feasting and overwhelmed. We are still basking and spiritually full about all that our spiritual eyes have seen, and our spiritual ears have heard! Our lives will never be the same!  

I didn’t realize this event, which was on March 7, 2023, was the Purim Holiday found in Esther 9.

—The icing on the cake.  

This was undoubtedly the best performance and production I have ever witnessed. The story and actors were great; I loved the background scenes. The scenery and music were so appropriate and fitting! It was excellent. Simply superb!! It was done with such a spirit of excellence, and I know it was pleasing in God’s eyes. They played a song that I had never heard before, the song – thy will be done by Hillary Scott truly blessed my spirit in ways I can’t articulate, and I began to weep. This song is so anointed. I still can’t shake this song. God provided me with what I needed from Him. 

I felt God’s power strongly. When I left there, I felt so good. I went in tired and with back pain but left feeling so much better. I felt renewed. 

I was in awe of all I had seen, experienced, and felt! Thank you, King Jesus! 

To my surprise, there was no offering taken up. I was prepared to give a donation, but there was no charge. This is unheard of. I was utterly shocked.  

Kudos to Bill Cloud, his wife, and the whole team. It’s a job well done!

One thing I would ask is if a person comes to your church or event and you’ve never seen them before, take the time to greet them and treat them kindly. Show them the love of Christ, the one you profess to know.

Next night – The Cherry on Top:

We went to the same place for a different prayer service with a different ministry where we had a supernatural encounter with our King and felt His glory.

As we entered the sanctuary, an older white gentleman acknowledged, greeted, and welcomed us. He was so kind and showed us the love of Christ. He made us feel so welcome.  

As my husband and I sat through the praise and worship, I began to weep, and God was touching and healing my heart and grief. I felt like I was going to pass out. The same man came behind us and prayed with us. The words he spoke were from the heart and mouth of the Father, my Daddy God! I began to weep even more. Later, in the service, the Pastor told the people to gather and pray. A man comes over and prays with us as we all touch and agree. Another guy comes and prays for us. The Pastor then called everyone to the front of the altar to praise and worship our King—more prayers over me, and I was totally blessed. Some people asked us what we would like prayer for; I couldn’t even respond. I said you could just pray however the Lord leads you.  

I walked back to my seat, staggering. I thought to myself, what is wrong with me? Then, the lady sitting in front of me returned to her seat, saying whoa, as though she was also staggering. I said OKAY, it’s not just me. I looked at my husband, who was weeping uncontrollably. I thought, oh my, I didn’t know whether to console him because I was caught up myself. The glory of God was so rich in this place!

God told me you are experiencing a taste of my glory! We can’t wait to experience more!

He is indeed a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him! Blessed are those who hunger for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

The service ends, and we go out to the visitor’s corner. The people are talking, but I’m in the glory zone, not entirely all there. I was so full in such a good way. I had no fatigue when I left, and my back was completely healed. All the pain had left my body! Hallelujah, King Jesus!

Glory be to the LORD JESUS for this glorious encounter!  

The Lord had placed on my heart to share a project I’ve been working on with this Pastor. I said Lord, you must orchestrate this thing. I can’t chase after anyone or try to make anything happen at this age and stage of my life. He did just what I asked Him to do. He arranged for me to place this project in the Pastor’s hand.  

I’m grateful, thankful, and appreciative of our King. That’s truly what I am!

We have adopted the older gentleman as our spiritual grandpa. He showed us so much love, the Messiah kind of love that everyone doesn’t show.   We will never forget the love shown to us at this service by various individuals. God has taken notice! Y’shua said you would know my disciples by their love toward one another.

If you have no love, you’re just a clanging cymbal. 

1 Corinthians 1:13 says, If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels but have not love [for others growing out of God’s love for me], then I have become only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal [just an annoying distraction].

When we left the sanctuary, the people were asking us questions like where we came from, etc. I was so caught up in His glory that I could barely remember where we lived. It was something to behold. I could barely answer any questions. I’ll never forget that encounter we just had. We truly received just what we needed from the Lord. Once you get a taste of His glory, you won’t want to leave His presence. It’s addictive.

Please be mindful of this. You never know a person’s state of mind or what they are going through.   A person could be on the brink of committing suicide, and just a simple smile, hello, or a few words of encouragement could stop them from taking their life.

When I returned home, I had a dream that Sid Roth of Its Supernatural TV show blew in my right ear, and the power/glory of God hit me, and I fell to the floor. This was the second dream I’ve had about falling under the glory of God. 

We went solely to encounter the manifested presence of God and His Glory. I had resolved that we didn’t necessarily want a touch from a man but from the one true living, and eternal God, and He didn’t disappoint. I am eternally grateful and know there is so much more to come!