Glorious Reporter

Glorious Utterances

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

Y’shua (Jesus), Our Blessed Hope and Help! 

While we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ (Titus: 2:13). 

I tell you the truth as I observe the state of the world and the turmoil prevalent everywhere. In my heart, I have come to the resolution that only You, Lord, can save, heal, deliver, and rescue this world. We are in desperate need of Your miracle-working power, an outpouring of Your Spirit, Your glory, and Your might. We need to see more of your miracles, signs, and wonders as in the days of old. You are still indeed a miracle-worker and promise keeper!  You are the same, yesterday, today and forever more!  You are the world’s sole hope amidst the myriad of issues we face today, including social injustices, inequalities, and various problems. 

I am grateful to God for those who take a stand for righteousness and justice. Thank you, Jesus, for their commitment. However, we implore You God of Israel to descend upon the earth and manifest Your unmatched power, just as You did for Abraham and others in the Bible. It brings to mind the account of when You came down in response to the cries of Sodom and Gomorrah. 

I am thankful for the cries of the righteous and their effective, sincere and fiery prayers that avail and can accomplish much (James 5:16). May the prayers of the saints rise to You like sweet-smelling incense. Corruption and nefarious activities permeate numerous spheres and systems worldwide, including the judicial system, prison system, healthcare system, and beyond. The issue of homelessness has spiraled out of control, along with drug problems and the alarming rate of suicides. 

Most of the religious system has deviated from Your divine design, with many not adhering to Your instructions and commands or following Your calendar. There are many false teachings, fake prophets and demonic doctrines everywhere.  He said it would be this way, so it really shouldn’t be a surprise. May the Lord give us a keen and sharp discernment during these troubling and wicked times that we are living in.  Only Jesus, our blessed hope can save us!   The task is too immense for us, but just right for God. No matter how insurmountable things appear and impossible they may seem to humans, everything is possible and attainable for You!  May God Almighty display His glory and splendor on an even greater level! 

King Jesus, You are our only hope, not just for today or tomorrow, but for eternity. Hallelujah! We eagerly anticipate Your arrival. We yearn for a revival greater than the revivals of old, akin to the Azusa Street Revival, Welch Revival, Pensacola Revival, and the ministry of Smith Wigglesworth, among other renowned revivalists. Do what only You can do! I beseech You to make haste and fulfill Your Word. 

Psalm 46:1 – God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.