Glorious Reporter

Glorious Utterances

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

The God of Israel Visits His People 

In the Holy Bible, there are several instances where God is described as coming down to Earth or manifesting His presence in various forms. Here are a few notable examples: 

  • The Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8): After Adam and Eve sinned, it is said that “they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.” This suggests a physical manifestation of God’s presence in the garden. 

  • Mount Sinai (Exodus 19:18-20): When God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses and the Israelites, the mountain was covered in smoke, and there were thunder, lightning, and a loud trumpet blast. The people witnessed God’s presence descending upon the mountain. 

  • The Tabernacle and Temple (Exodus 40:34-35; 1 Kings 8:10-11): When the construction of the Tabernacle in the wilderness and later the Temple in Jerusalem were completed, the glory of the LORD filled these places, indicating His presence among His people. 

  • The Incarnation of Jesus (John 1:14): The most significant example is the incarnation of Jesus Christ, where God took on human form and dwelt among us. Jesus is described as the Word becoming flesh and dwelling (literally “tabernacling”) among humanity. 

God came down to visit Abraham on multiple occasions in the book of Genesis. Here are a few notable instances: 

  • The Visiting of the Three Angels (Genesis 18): In Genesis 18, three visitors came to Abraham’s tent, and it becomes evident that one of them is the LORD. Abraham showed them hospitality, and during their visit, they informed him of the forthcoming birth of his son, Isaac. Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah, and the LORD revealed His plan to destroy those cities. 

  • The Covenant of Circumcision (Genesis 17): Prior to the above visitation, God appeared to Abraham and made a covenant with him, changing his name from Abram to Abraham and promising to make him the father of many nations. This encounter involved God giving Abraham the sign of circumcision as a symbol of the covenant. 

  • The Promise of Isaac’s Birth (Genesis 17): In Genesis 17, God appeared to Abraham again and reaffirmed His promise that Sarah, Abraham’s wife, would bear a son despite their old age. God even provided the specific timing of Isaac’s birth. 

These visits from God to Abraham demonstrated His personal interaction with Abraham and his family. They conveyed important messages, established covenants, and revealed God’s plans and promises. They exemplify God’s willingness to engage with humanity and His faithfulness to fulfill His word. 

In the Holy Bible, there are several individuals whom God visited or had direct encounters with. Here are a few notable examples: 

  • Jacob: Jacob had a significant encounter with God at Peniel (Genesis 32:22-32). During a wrestling match with a man (who is later revealed to be God), Jacob wrestled all night and received a blessing. This encounter resulted in Jacob’s name being changed to Israel. 

  • Samuel: Samuel, the prophet and judge, had a visitation from God when he was a young boy serving in the temple (1 Samuel 3). God called Samuel by name, and Samuel became a prophet, delivering messages from God to the people of Israel. 

  • Elijah: The prophet Elijah had several encounters with God. One notable encounter was on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18), where God sent fire from heaven to consume Elijah’s sacrifice in front of the prophets of Baal. 

  • Isaiah: The prophet Isaiah had a powerful vision of God in the temple (Isaiah 6). He saw the Lord sitting on a throne, and seraphim surrounded Him, declaring His holiness. Isaiah’s encounter with God marked the beginning of his prophetic ministry. 

  • Ezekiel: The prophet Ezekiel had a series of visions, including a vision of God’s glory in a chariot (Ezekiel 1) and a vision of the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37). These encounters with God were instrumental in Ezekiel’s prophetic ministry. 

  • Daniel: The prophet Daniel had several visions and encounters with God. One notable encounter was when he saw the “Ancient of Days” on His throne (Daniel 7), which revealed future events and the establishment of God’s kingdom. 

These are just a few examples of individuals in the Holy Bible who had direct visits or encounters with God. Throughout the biblical narrative, God interacts with various people, revealing Himself, giving guidance, delivering messages, and working through them for His divine purposes.