Glorious Reporter

Glorious Utterances

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

The God of Israel Knows How to Get Our Attention 

As I watched a movie about the Exodus story. I thought about how the God of Israel captured Moses’ attention with the burning bush, I reflected on how He has a unique way of selecting individuals to fulfill His divine purpose for His glory. 

In the vast tapestry of biblical narratives, one recurring theme is the way in which God sought to capture the attention of individuals and guide them towards serving His divine purpose. From the compelling story of Moses and the burning bush to the awe-inspiring visions of the prophets, the Bible presents various instances where God employed unique methods to captivate the hearts and minds of His chosen servants. 

This blog explores some of the remarkable ways in which God got people’s attention to serve Him in the Holy Bible. 

  1. Divine Encounters: The Bible is replete with accounts of extraordinary encounters that grabbed people’s attention and compelled them to serve God. One notable example is the burning bush incident with Moses (Exodus 3:1-6). Here, God appeared to Moses in a miraculous phenomenon, a bush engulfed in flames but unconsumed. This captivating sight seized Moses’ attention, and God’s voice emanating from the bush commanded him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Such divine encounters left an indelible mark on the chosen individuals, propelling them to devote their lives to God’s service. 

  2. Miraculous Signs and Wonders: Another way in which God sought to gain people’s attention was through the display of awe-inspiring signs and wonders. These supernatural occurrences often accompanied the calling of prophets or the fulfillment of God’s promises. For instance, the prophet Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest, where God’s fire consumed a water-soaked sacrifice, leaving no doubt about His power and presence (1 Kings 18:20-40). These miraculous events served as undeniable demonstrations of God’s authority and compelled people to turn their hearts towards Him. 

  3. The Ten Plagues: God sent a series of ten devastating plagues upon Egypt to convince Pharaoh to release the Israelites. These plagues included turning the water into blood, sending swarms of frogs, bringing gnats, flies, and livestock disease, causing boils and hail, infesting the land with locusts, shrouding Egypt in darkness, and culminating in the death of the firstborn. 

  4. Parting of the Red Sea: As the Israelites were fleeing from Egypt, they found themselves trapped between the pursuing Egyptian army and the Red Sea. God miraculously parted the waters, allowing the Israelites to cross on dry land. Once they reached the other side, God closed the sea, drowning the Egyptian army. 

  5. Manna and Quail: During their journey in the wilderness, God provided the Israelites with miraculous sustenance. He rained down bread from heaven, called manna, each day for the Israelites to gather and eat. Additionally, God sent flocks of quail to provide meat for the people. 

  6. Water from the Rock: When the Israelites were thirsty, God instructed Moses to strike a rock, and water gushed forth from it, providing for the needs of the people. 

  7. Pillar of Cloud and Fire: God guided the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness by manifesting as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. This served as both a visible sign of God’s presence and a guide for the people.
  8. These miraculous acts of God demonstrated His power, sovereignty, and deliverance on behalf of the Israelites. They served as a testament to the Egyptians, the Israelites themselves, and future generations of God’s faithfulness and ability to supernaturally intervene with His amazing and extraordinary deeds in human history. 

  9. Dreams, Visions, and Revelations: Throughout the Bible, dreams, visions, and divine revelations played a significant role in capturing the attention of individuals and inspiring them to serve God. One such example is the vision of Isaiah, where he saw the Lord seated on a throne, surrounded by majestic seraphim (Isaiah 6:1-8). This awe-inspiring encounter filled Isaiah with a sense of reverence and led him to willingly offer himself for God’s service. Similarly, Joseph’s dreams in the book of Genesis (Genesis 37:5-11) foreshadowed his future role as a leader, guiding him to fulfill God’s purpose. 

  10. Prophetic Calling: God often called forth prophets to deliver His messages and lead His people. These individuals were chosen and anointed by God Himself, setting them apart for a specific purpose. The prophet Samuel serves as a remarkable example of God’s calling (1 Samuel 3:1-10). As a young boy, Samuel heard God’s voice in the night, calling him by name. This divine encounter-initiated Samuel’s prophetic ministry and established him as a pivotal figure in Israel’s history. The prophets’ unique calling and direct communication with God commanded attention and compelled them to faithfully serve Him. 

The Bible showcases a myriad of captivating methods that God employed to get people’s attention and inspire them to serve Him. Whether through divine encounters, miraculous signs and wonders, dreams and visions, or the calling of prophets, God’s methods were designed to leave an indelible mark on individuals and lead them towards fulfilling His divine purpose. These captivating stories serve as a testament to God’s desire to engage with humanity and invite them into a meaningful relationship with Him. As we reflect on these biblical accounts, may we be encouraged to seek out God’s call in our own lives and respond with wholehearted obedience, devotion and service.