Glorious Reporter

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

Honoring God: The Blessings of Revering the Almighty

As God’s creation, we have a profound obligation to honor and revere the Almighty. First and foremost, we should honor God because He is God – the sovereign, holy, and majestic Creator of the universe. The Scriptures make it clear that we are to ascribe to the Lord “the glory due his name” and “worship… Continue reading Honoring God: The Blessings of Revering the Almighty

King Josiah: God’s Chosen Leader 

In my Bible studies this morning, I came across the story of King Josiah, an incredible example of God’s work in the life of a young leader chosen by God to combat the widespread idolatry in the land. At the tender age of 8 years old, Josiah was chosen by God to fulfill a significant… Continue reading King Josiah: God’s Chosen Leader 

May Our Lips Continually Be Filled with Songs of Praise and Worship! 

During my time of meditation and studying the Word of God, I couldn’t help but reflect on the power of worship songs. Their impact cannot be underestimated! I think about how the Lord has given me songs to help me through difficult times – songs that inspire, comfort, and encourage me during every rough patch… Continue reading May Our Lips Continually Be Filled with Songs of Praise and Worship! 

The Consequences of Wickedness: Elijah’s Prophetic Judgment on Ahab’s Generation

Today, as I was studying today’s Bible lesson from 2 Kings, a powerful story about King Jehu unfolded before me. It reminded me of the grim account of wicked King Ahab, his infamous wife Jezebel, and the prophetic judgment delivered by the Prophet Elijah.  Reflecting on these events, I was struck by how Ahab’s wickedness… Continue reading The Consequences of Wickedness: Elijah’s Prophetic Judgment on Ahab’s Generation

Surely, The Lord is in This Place! 

In my prayer time, I heard this scripture in my spirit – Surely, the Lord is in this place and I didn’t know it. Genesis 28:16 is a verse from the Holy Bible that describes an incredible encounter between Jacob, the son of Isaac, and God. Here is the verse in question: “When Jacob awoke… Continue reading Surely, The Lord is in This Place! 

An Extraordinary Encounter and Series of Events! 

The other night, while engaged in a phone conversation with my son, an extraordinary series of events unfolded before me. As I spoke, my husband stood at the door, appearing restless. Though I sensed something was amiss, my attention remained focused on my conversation. Suddenly, a profound transformation occurred. My husband’s eyes became ablaze with… Continue reading An Extraordinary Encounter and Series of Events! 

Y’shua said, “Shake the Dust off Your Feet,” 

The other day, I heard the Lord say to me, shake the dust off your feet.  When Jesus said, “shake the dust off your feet,” He was giving His disciples instructions on how to respond when they encountered rejection or resistance while spreading His teachings. This phrase is mentioned in the New Testament of the… Continue reading Y’shua said, “Shake the Dust off Your Feet,” 

What Happened After the Pentecost Celebration? 

VERONA - JANUARY 27: Apse of Chapel Miniscalchi in Saint Anastasia's church from year 1506 designed by Angelo di Giovanni with main scene of the Pentecost on January 27, 2013 in Verona, Italy. (VERONA - JANUARY 27: Apse of Chapel Miniscalchi in Saint

After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, the disciples waited in Jerusalem as Jesus had instructed them. There, they received the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which empowered them to continue the work of proclaiming the Gospel (Acts 1-2). Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples performed extraordinary and extravagant miracles that demonstrated God’s power and… Continue reading What Happened After the Pentecost Celebration? 

King Saul’s Healing from an Evil Spirit

The Lord God Almighty used a young shepherd boy who would later become the renowned King David to play the harp for Saul whenever the evil spirit troubled him.  “Now the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and a harmful spirit from the Lord tormented him. And Saul’s servants said to him, ‘Behold now,… Continue reading King Saul’s Healing from an Evil Spirit

The Enduring Bond of David and Jonathan

In today’s Bible study, we read about David and Johnathan.  The friendship between David and Jonathan in the Holy Bible is one that is highly regarded and celebrated for its loyalty, devotion, and deep bond. Their story is primarily found in the First Book of Samuel in the Old Testament.  David was a young shepherd… Continue reading The Enduring Bond of David and Jonathan