Glorious Reporter

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

Iron Sharpens Iron!

It’s easy to become consumed by the negativity, dishonesty, and deceitful behavior of some people in the world. However, the Lord reminded me that iron sharpens iron. I’m grateful for the precious and dear sisters in Christ who text me daily with encouraging and inspirational words. These precious women of God mean so much to me, especially amidst the chaos and troubles of this wicked world.

Together, we pray, praise, and worship God. We strive to support and uplift one another, and it’s truly a beautiful thing. Hallelujah! There is no negativity, jealousy, malice, or competition among us. I cherish and appreciate this unity! I have been blessed to meet some really strong, bold and courageous women I truly admire. God is so good!

Proverbs 27:17 states, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” This verse is part of a larger collection of wisdom sayings attributed to King Solomon. The imagery of iron sharpening iron suggests a process of mutual improvement through interaction.

Key Themes

  • Mutual Growth: Just as iron tools become sharper when they come into contact with one another, people can grow and develop by engaging with one another. This emphasizes the value of relationships that challenge and encourage us.
  • The Importance of Community: The verse highlights the necessity of community and fellowship. Engaging with others—whether through friendships, mentorships, or even constructive criticism—can lead to personal and spiritual growth.
  • Constructive Influence: The sharpening process can be uncomfortable, as it involves friction. Similarly, personal growth often requires facing challenges and being open to feedback. This teaches us that growth may come through difficult conversations and honest reflections.
  • Accountability: The verse implies that we should seek relationships that hold us accountable. Being surrounded by people who challenge us to be better can help us refine our character and actions.

This verse reminds us we are not meant to navigate life in isolation; we benefit from the insights and experiences of others and being around true godly believers in Christ. It’s important to have a safe space where you can be open to both giving and receiving constructive feedback. This environment should be a two-way street, ensuring that you’re not the only one giving and feeling drained. There needs to be a healthy balance and reciprocity, rather than a one-sided exchange.


Proverbs 27:17 serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of relationships in our lives. By engaging with others in meaningful ways, we can both sharpen ourselves and contribute to the growth of those around us.

Thank you, Lord Y’shua, for these divine connections and relationships.

I salute you all today and thank God for you always!