Glorious Reporter

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

May our lips continually be filled with songs of praise and worship for the Holy One of Israel! 

During my time of meditation and studying the Word of God, I couldn’t help but reflect on the power of worship songs. Their impact cannot be underestimated! I think about how the Lord has given me songs to help me through difficult times – songs that inspire, comfort, and encourage me during every rough patch of my life. They minister to my spirit in a way I can’t even fully articulate. Thank you, Jesus! What’s even more amazing is the Lord Himself sings over us.  Simply incredible! 
God is in your midst, A Warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with joy; He will be quiet in His love [making no mention of your past sins], He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy. Zephaniah 3:17 
The Holy Bible declares that the Lord surrounds us with songs of deliverance (Psalm 32:7). Therefore, we can find safety, protection, and comfort in Him.  
As a songwriter, I love writing songs and creating melodies in my heart for my Savior – the One who suffered, bled, and died on the cross for me! It’s a way for me to express my gratitude and adoration for Him and all He has done for me, in me, with me and through me. Hallelujah to my King! It’s a true honor and privilege and brings joy to my heart. 
The Bible contains several examples of “songs of deliverance” – poetic expressions of praise and thanksgiving to God for His salvation and mighty acts on behalf of His people. Here are some key passages and insights from the Scriptures: 
1. The Song of Moses (Exodus 15:1-18) 

This song was sung by Moses and the Israelites after God miraculously delivered them from the Egyptian army by parting the Red Sea. 

It celebrates God’s power, sovereignty, and faithfulness in rescuing His people from their enemies. 

Key themes include God’s triumph over the forces of evil, His unparalleled might, and His guidance of His people to the Promised Land. 
2. The Song of Deborah (Judges 5:1-31) 

This song was sung by the prophetess Deborah and the Israelite army commander Barak after God granted them victory over the Canaanite army. 

It praises God for empowering the people to overcome their oppressors and reclaim the land. 

The song highlights God’s sovereign control over the forces of nature and history to deliver His people. 

3. Hannah’s Song of Thanksgiving (1 Samuel 2:1-10) 

This song was sung by Hannah after God answered her prayer and enabled her to conceive a son, Samuel. 

It celebrates God’s power to reverse the fortunes of the humble and exalt the needy. 

The song emphasizes God’s holiness, justice, and faithfulness in fulfilling His promises. 
4. David’s Songs of Deliverance (2 Samuel 22:1-51, Psalm 18) 

These songs were composed by King David, expressing gratitude to God for delivering him from his enemies and establishing his kingdom. 

They highlight God’s strength, protection, and righteous judgment against those who oppose Him and His people. 

The songs depict God as a mighty warrior, a rock, and a fortress who rescues the humble and loyal. 

5. The Song of the Lamb (Revelation 15:2-4) 

This future song will be sung by those who have overcome the beast and his image, praising God for His just and righteous deeds. 

It celebrates God’s sovereignty, faithfulness, and the holiness of His ways, which will ultimately triumph over evil. 
We can see examples throughout the Bible where praise defeated and conquered the enemy: 
Jehoshaphat and the children of Israel defeated the armies against them as they sang praise to the LORD (2 Chronicles 20:21 – 22) 

Paul and Silas sang in prison, which caused an earthquake that shook their chains free and delivered them (Acts 16:25 – 26). 
These “songs of deliverance” in the Holy Scriptures are powerful reminders of God’s saving power and His faithfulness. They inspire His people to worship Him wholeheartedly and trust in His divine plan for their lives.