Glorious Reporter

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

“A Glorious Encounter at the Glory Conference”

So, I have to share a glorious experience I had the other day. My husband and I attended a Glory Conference, and let me tell you, it was a challenge to get there, but it was such a blessing. I was truly touched by the Lord. Hallelujah! God is great and greatly to be praised!

We didn’t catch all the sessions there. However, when I got home, I watched it on YouTube, and let me tell you, I felt the power, presence, and glory of the Lord God Almighty! I know I talk about the glory a lot, but everything we need is in His glory. If you are satisfied with the status quo and life as usual, that’s good. However, I cannot settle for life as usual. I must experience signs, wonders, miracles, and the weight of His glory. Come on here! Help me magnify the Lord of Lords and King of Kings! Okay, let me calm down.

If you read one of my previous blogs, I talked about experiencing the lightnings of God and a supernatural encounter. After binge-watching the rest of the videos from the Glory conference one day, I felt the presence of the Lord, and it was tangible. I couldn’t stop crying. Every time I got ready to talk about it, I could barely get it out. What an awesome feeling! I had the nerve to ask the Lord what is going on with me. He said, “Haven’t you been praying for a visitation? Didn’t I give you a word about extraordinary encounters?” Lord, have mercy. I know He had to be like, “Duh, this is what you have been praying for girl.” I believe it was just a taste, and His glory will only accelerate in the days to come. Glory be to God! I heard a young man say, “send revival, lest he die,” and I feel that sentiment.

I know most people could care less about this subject, so this message is not for everyone. So many are chasing that bag and consumed with the cares of this life. With all due respect, do you. There is indeed a righteous remnant who is tired of reading about and hearing about outpourings of old and from the Holy Bible. We need to experience it firsthand, and it is truly happening in different places. Thank you, Lord Y’shua!!! Hallelujah!!

I just thought of another encounter that I had a few weeks ago. I was watching a church service online and the young pastor truly has the fire and the glory of God all over him. As he began to minister, once again I felt the power of God so strong. I heard the Lord say, “Drop to your knees,” and in my mind I was thinking, “My knees are gonna hurt and it’s gonna be hard for me to get up.” I then defied those thoughts and dropped to my knees to worship the Most High God! I couldn’t help but weep.

I don’t always feel His presence that powerfully, but when it happens, I tell you the truth, they are truly special times and leaves a lasting impact. I will always be grateful and cherish these divine experiences and I know that even when I don’t feel that tangible sense of His presence, God’s presence is always with us. He promises never to leave or forsake us. And if He said it, I believe it. Hallelujah!

There have been fires of outpourings of His Spirit here and there. I feel strongly that it’s going to get greater and greater as time goes on, and I am super-excited about it!

These meaningful encounters have strengthened and encouraged me like I can’t explain. May our posture continue to be one of worship and service to Him wholeheartedly as these outpourings of His Spirit increase.

Habakkuk 2:14 – But the earth will be filled with the knowledge of Yahweh’s glory like the water covers the sea.