Glorious Reporter

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

Y’shua said, “shake the dust off your feet,” 

The other day, I heard the Lord say to me, shake the dust off your feet.  When Jesus said, “shake the dust off your feet,” He was giving His disciples instructions on how to respond when they encountered rejection or resistance while spreading His teachings. This phrase is mentioned in the New Testament of the… Continue reading Y’shua said, “shake the dust off your feet,” 

What Happened After the Pentecost Celebration? 

VERONA - JANUARY 27: Apse of Chapel Miniscalchi in Saint Anastasia's church from year 1506 designed by Angelo di Giovanni with main scene of the Pentecost on January 27, 2013 in Verona, Italy. (VERONA - JANUARY 27: Apse of Chapel Miniscalchi in Saint

After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, the disciples waited in Jerusalem as Jesus had instructed them. There, they received the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which empowered them to continue the work of proclaiming the Gospel (Acts 1-2). Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples performed extraordinary and extravagant miracles that demonstrated God’s power and… Continue reading What Happened After the Pentecost Celebration?