Glorious Reporter

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

This Morning, I Heard This in My Spirit – “And David recovered all!” 

“And David recovered all” serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness, David’s resilience, and the victory that can be achieved through unwavering determination and dependence on God’s guidance in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.o

1 Samuel 30: 17-20 – Then David [and his men] struck them down [in battle] from twilight until the evening of the next day; and not a man of them escaped, except four hundred young men who rode camels and fled. So, David recovered all that the Amalekites had taken and rescued his two wives. Nothing of theirs was missing whether small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything that had been taken; David recovered it all. So, David captured all the flocks and herds [which the enemy had], and [the people] drove those animals before him and said, “This is David’s spoil.”  

In the context of David’s story, “recovered all” encompasses multiple dimensions: 

  1. Relationships: David reclaimed and reunited with his loved ones who had been taken captive. The restoration of family and community bonds brought immense joy and relief. 

  2. Possessions: David retrieved all the material possessions that had been seized, including valuable items, livestock, and various resources. This ensured the restoration of their livelihood and material well-being. 

  3. Spiritual and emotional well-being: The recovery of all extended beyond tangible aspects. It encompassed the healing of wounds inflicted upon David’s soul during the distressing ordeal. It brought restoration, peace, and a renewed sense of purpose. 

Here’s an overview of David’s recovery of all at Ziklag: 

David was anointed as the future king of Israel, but at the time, King Saul was still reigning. David and his band of followers, known as the mighty men, were living in the Philistine city of Ziklag, given to them by the Philistine king Achish. 

The Amalekite raid:  

While David and his men were away, the Amalekites, a nomadic tribe, attacked Ziklag, burned it down, and captured all the women, children, and possessions of David and his men. This devastating event brought great distress to David and his followers. 

David’s reaction:  

Upon returning to Ziklag and discovering the destruction, David and his men were greatly distressed. The people wept until they had no more strength to weep, and David’s own followers even spoke of stoning him out of their grief and anger. 

David inquired of the Lord:  

In his distress, David sought guidance from the Lord. He inquired through the ephod, a garment worn by the priest that was used to seek God’s will. David asked whether he should pursue the Amalekites and if he would recover all that was lost. 

Pursuing the Amalekites:  

Encouraged by the Lord’s response, David and his 600 men set out to pursue the Amalekites. They were determined to recover everything that had been taken from them. 

Recovering all:  

David and his men pursued the Amalekites for several days until they reached the brook Besor. There, they encountered an Egyptian slave who had been left behind by the Amalekites due to illness. The slave provided information about the Amalekite camp. 

Divine intervention:  

With the help of the Egyptian slave, David and his men located the Amalekite camp and launched a surprise attack at dawn. The Lord granted them a resounding victory, and they recovered everything that had been taken from them, including their families, possessions, and even more. 

Distribution of spoils:  

After the victory, David and his men returned to Ziklag. David showed compassion and his leadership by fairly distributing the spoils of the battle among his men, including sending portions to the elders of Judah. 

In the context of David’s recovery of all at Ziklag, “recovery of all” refers to the successful retrieval of everything that had been taken from David and his men by the Amalekites. This encompasses several aspects: 

The phrase “recovery of all” signifies the completeness of the restoration and a powerful triumph over adversity and the fulfillment of God’s promise. It indicates that nothing was lost or left behind, and everything that was taken from them was fully retrieved. This outcome was particularly significant considering the initial devastation and distress experienced by David and his men upon discovering the destruction of Ziklag and the capture of their families and possessions. The successful recovery of all served as a testament to God’s faithfulness and David’s leadership.  

These things were recovered: 

  • Families: The recovery of all involved rescuing the women, children, and other family members who had been captured by the Amalekites. David and his men were able to bring back their loved ones unharmed. 

  • Possessions: Along with their families, David and his men regained all their material possessions that had been plundered by the Amalekites. This could include valuable items, livestock, and other belongings that were essential for their livelihood. 

  • Security: The recovery of all also implies the restoration of a sense of security and protection for David and his followers. By defeating the Amalekites and reclaiming what was taken, they regained their confidence and felt safe once again. 

Whatever has been taken from God’s remnant people shall be completely retrieved, restored, returned and recovered in Y’shua’s mighty name!