Glorious Reporter

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

Eli’s Worthless and Wicked Sons 

The story of Eli and his wicked sons is found primarily in the first few chapters of the book of 1 Samuel. Here are some key scriptures that describe the actions and consequences of Eli’s sons: These passages highlight the wickedness of Eli’s sons and the consequences that befell both them and the house of… Continue reading Eli’s Worthless and Wicked Sons 

This Morning, I Heard This in My Spirit – “And David recovered all!” 

“And David recovered all” serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness, David’s resilience, and the victory that can be achieved through unwavering determination and dependence on God’s guidance in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.o 1 Samuel 30: 17-20 – Then David [and his men] struck them down [in battle] from twilight until the evening… Continue reading This Morning, I Heard This in My Spirit – “And David recovered all!” 

What Does Biblical & Godly Justice Look Like? 

In the Holy Bible, godly justice refers to the concept of justice as understood and administered by God Himself. It encompasses the righteous standards, principles, and actions of God in dealing with humanity in accordance with His divine nature.  Here are a few key elements that define godly justice according to the Bible:  It is… Continue reading What Does Biblical & Godly Justice Look Like? 

The Role of Angels in the Scriptures 

In the Holy Bible, the word commonly translated as “angels” is “mal’ak” (מַלְאָךְ). The term “mal’ak” literally means “messenger” or “one who is sent.” While it can refer to human messengers in certain contexts, it is predominantly used to describe heavenly beings or spiritual entities that serve as messengers or intermediaries between God and humans. … Continue reading The Role of Angels in the Scriptures