Glorious Reporter

Glorious Utterances

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

Please! Not Another Message About Giving 

If I have to hear the scripture in Malachi 3:10 about tithing, giving and seeding money one more time, I’m going to scream! Look, we get it!  We don’t have to ever hear another message about giving. It’s essential to recognize that there is much more to our Christian walk than this single verse.  Sadly, this topic dominates many pulpits.  It has become a repetitive message from ministers of the gospel.  There’s so much more to learn and glean about in the Holy Bible. Giving is just one piece of a of it.  Our pastors and ministers must begin to lead by example, giving back to those in need and trusting in God’s provision instead of begging. 

While giving has its place in the teachings of the Bible, it’s important to remember that the foundation of our faith lies in the commandments to love God and love our neighbors. As Deuteronomy 6:4 reminds us, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”  When asked about the greatest commandment, Y’shua (also known as Jesus) emphasized these of two commandments, to be the greatest. In our pursuit of a deeper relationship with God, it’s crucial that we prioritize these foundational principles.  I recently watched a video where a lady emphasized the need for the Church to experience a baptism of God’s love. I wholeheartedly agree! It is not mere lip service but a genuine demonstration of Christ’s love that the body of Messiah desperately needs. 

We must strive to embody the love of our Messiah and experience a true baptism of His love within the Church. It is through this love that we can make a lasting impact on the world around us. 

Let us also remember the example set by Y’shua, the miracle-worker. He did not constantly seek monetary gain from those He encountered. His ministry centered around teaching, proclaiming the good news of the gospel, God’s unconditional love and salvation and performing healing miracles throughout Galilee, fulfilling ancient prophecies. He passionately called for repentance in anticipation of the imminent arrival of the kingdom of God. His divine power was evident through his ability to work miracles, casting out demons, making disciples and bringing about profound healing to those in need. And Jesus had a special affection for ministering to those who were impoverished, weak, hurting, and rejected by society. He dedicated himself to setting the captives free from physical, emotional, and spiritual bondage, bringing restoration and healing to their lives.  

Matthew 28:19-20 
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age. 

It’s disheartening to see that some pastors and ministers neglect the financial struggles faced by their own congregations and those in their communities. Those in positions of leadership need to extend support and generosity to those who are struggling. The call to love our neighbors as ourselves includes providing assistance and helping others in times of need.  I salute those of you who are already doing this.  God is pleased. 

Matthew 6:33 

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 

In a world where the message of giving has been amplified, let us not forget the core teachings of God’s Word.  As members of the body of Christ, let us strive to live out these principles and foster a community of compassion, support, and reciprocity. There is indeed a vast wealth of knowledge and wisdom to be found within the Holy Bible. While giving is certainly an important aspect emphasized in the Bible, it is just one piece of the larger tapestry of teachings and principles contained within its pages. The Bible encompasses diverse themes such as forgiveness, compassion, justice, faith, and many more. It offers guidance for living a righteous and fulfilling life and provides insights into the nature of God and His relationship with humanity. Exploring the Bible can lead to a deeper understanding of its profound teachings and their relevance to our lives today. It is a book that continues to inspire and challenge individuals from various backgrounds, and its study can be a lifelong journey of discovery. 

Let us refocus, rekindle, and rebuild on the foundations of our faith. Together, we can build a community that reflects the true essence of God and bring Him glory!