Glorious Reporter

Glorious Utterances

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

Biblical Justice

Justice in its simplest form means to set things right. Yet, how do we know what is right? Who defines “right”? Is it society-at-large or the culture we live in? Is there a moral law that we inherently know to follow? As Christ-followers, the answer is simple. Our sense of justice is imparted to us… Continue reading Biblical Justice

Blessed by Radio Broadcast

Awhile, ago when I dropped my husband off at work, I came across a broadcast on the radio that immediately encouraged, inspired, blessed and touched me. The speaker was Dr. Todney Bynes. Despite the enemy’s attempts to hinder me, I persisted in finding his information. It was challenging to understand and write down the contact… Continue reading Blessed by Radio Broadcast