Glorious Reporter

Glorious Utterances

Blog of Devine Matthews

Psalms 45:1 - My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

In Pursuit of God’s Glory!

There is a righteous remnant who is seeking more and wants more from God. They are tired of the status quo. This remnant wants to see the signs, wonders, and miracles that the men/women of old saw. They want to experience His presence and the Kavod which is Hebrew for the weight of His glory. The kind of glory that the High Priest would experience when they entered into the Holy of Holies. When the weight of glory filled God’s house, the priests could not stand to minister. No one can stand under this weightiness and heaviness of His glory (2 Chronicles 5:14). As I have studied the lives of different men and women of God during this lifetime, I stand in awe of what many were able to accomplish; people like Smith Wigglesworth, one of his protege, Mother Mary Jenkins, Charles Finney, Evan Roberts (Welch Revival), William Seymour (Azuza Street Revival) and my Pastor John Kilpatrick from the Brownsville Revival, along with many others. These men and women have seen many raised from the dead, strip clubs shut down, people at mental institutions have their minds restored, police officers laid off due to crime rates dropping, and creative miracles where arms, legs, and hands grew where there was none. However, the most important thing is the souls. God’s desire is for none to perish. “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief” (2 Peter 3:9). Many are praying for an outpouring of His spirit because we know that Jesus is the only answer to the world’s problems today! One day, I was thinking, “Lord, why are we not seeing these kinds of manifestations like these men and women of God?” Although some are experiencing glorious and miraculous manifestations in different areas and spurts. Plus, we are just not hearing much about it. So, the Lord said to me, “It’s still happening.” I’m still moving by my spirit and according to My Word. He’s still working miracles, signs, and wonders. He’s still proving just how great and awesome He is! He took me back to a few outreach events that we implemented where we saw the Lord Jesus show up and change the region. He came into that region and changed the atmosphere. Here are a few instances: After having two Youth Empowerment Outreach (anti-drug, tobacco, alcohol) events in Pomona, California, which was considered a “hotbed” for gang activity, ceased in this area. My spiritual daughter, who used to be a gang member and gave her life to Christ, confirmed this. At these events, we prayed over the community and had gospel singers/rappers and speakers praise and worship God, lifting up the name of Jesus. God showed up, and when He did, things changed for the betterment. All glory to GOD! So, never underestimate your prayers and when you pray in your community. God promised us the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). The effective, sincere, hot fiery prayers of a righteous man/woman avails much! (James 5:16). On another occasion, we went to a really bad, high-crime area where many are afraid to go. A group of us stood on the corner of Mack and Bewick in Detroit, Michigan, and prayed against principalities, powers, rulers, and spiritual wickedness in that area. Some of the people came to us with guns strapped to them requesting prayer. There were also some folks who gave us the side/evil eye. There were some people telling us that we shouldn’t be in that area. My Bible says in 1 John 4:4, “Greater is He that’s within me than He that’s in the world.” I advise you to be Holy Spirit-led. Always let the Lord Jesus lead, guide, direct, and order your steps. He will protect you wherever He sends you. Afterward, I checked the news often to see if any crimes had taken place, and there were no killings or murders reported for months after this outreach. All glory to God! We have prayed for individuals on their death bed and seen them come back to life after the doctor had given up on them. We have seen the sick healed, deliverance of depression and have believed for God to even raise the dead, which we have not seen, but have faith that we will. A young lady I prayed for was taken off of depression medication after being on it for years. I have witnessed healing in my own body. I was healed of a tumor in my stomach. Over a year ago, I couldn’t eat solid foods or certain drinks for 40 days and lost 49 pounds. I thought I would never eat a steak or a beef burger. However, God restored health unto my bones! Once, we encountered a raging storm and after going into prayer and spiritual warfare, we seen the storm/winds stop and so much more. Just this week, we saw a knot on someone’s head shrink. We have seen plans of the devil aborted even lives extended through the power of prayer, fasting, praise and worship! Thank you, LORD JESUS! I know some prayers for which we’ve prayed have not happened for some because of their unbelief and disobedience. I have learned that God will not override our individual freewill as well. God is sovereign and will pour out His blessings on the just as well as the unjust. The Bible says that He sits in heaven and does what He pleases (Psalm 113:5). We see in the Bible where Paul had a thorn in his side which was some kind of illness that Jesus didn’t remove and we see Jacob walked with a limp. We just don’t know why some are healed and raised up while others are not. Isaiah 55: 8-9 – “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. During the pandemic, the Lord led us to go to downtown Detroit and pray in front of the TCF Arena, where they spent $9 million to build a field hospital with 1,000 beds to treat thousands of COVID-19 patients, but after we went into spiritual warfare and prayed against this, they ended up only treating 39 patients, and it was closed down in a few months. All glory to GOD ALMIGHTY! I’m sure others were praying against this too. Although we have seen spurts of His glory and miracles, like others, I believe we will see an outpouring of His spirit and glory on a larger scale. There is a remnant who is believing that we will see hospitals emptied and people healed, minds restored in mental institutions, the dead raised, people coming out of the morgues, and crime rates dropping in these high-crime areas. The Lord revealed to me a while ago that there are certain things we will not be able to curtail because of sin, wickedness and the people’s rejection, disrespect and dishonor for a Holy, Sovereign and Righteous God. Although, He is long-suffering and full of compassion toward us. He has to judge sin. Let’s keep bombarding heaven and believe by faith that this will happen again in the mighty, awesome, powerful, and miraculous name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He’s well able to do it!! He is a miracle-worker and promise-keeper indeed!!